Review: Elemis Spa bus

If there had to be only one thing I could take away from my experience at BNTM Live it would be the way bloggers were treated. On a whole we were treated amazingly well, generally present your press pass and they were eager to please; this is particularly the case for bloggers more than print journalists as we have the freedom to write what we want. For an isolated few they were not aware of the repercussions of angering bloggers- see Amy CT’s piece on Redfoot– but as I say this was not many.

This was definately not the case for Elemis. Now in it’s 20th year of treatments and products the company have decided to spread the word on tour. And they were relatively hard to miss at the event, due to the fact that they were based on a giant purple spa bus! The “Elemis Angels” greeted us outside the bus and answered all our questions; from PR to skin care, and booked myself and Soph in for complimentary treatments.

We returned an hour later as they were of course very busy and sat relaxing for a little bit inside the lower deck which was covered in comfy sofa’s before we were led upstairs for our treatments. Soph had chosen a shoulder, neck and arm massage because she is quite athletic so holds alot of tension in that general area. As I don’t really have any of muscle aches (apart from the scar tissue problem but that is medical) I treated myself to a facial and tissue massage, whilst this happened I was also sat in a massage chair which worked it’s way up and down my body. My consultant was  a lovely girl who had a very charming and professional manner with me, explaining each step of the treatment throughout. We were both left completely relaxed and chilled which is just what we needed to break up the super long day.

As if we hadn’t been spoilt rotten already we were delighted to recieve the Elemis festival survival kit which comprised of:

  • Pro-Collagen Marine Cream 15ml
  • Pro-Collagen Hand & Nail Cream 20ml
  • Exotic Lime & Ginger hand & body wash -50ml
  • Elemis Eau De Parfum -4ml
  • Lip Revive -5ml
  • Elemis soothing Apricot toner Wipes
  • mini toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Eye Renewal sachets
  • Sleep mask
  • Ear Plugs

Although it was a very full bag with lots of things that will of course come in handy I’m not entirely sure how Pro-collagen products are festival essentials. None the less I love the products, which all come in a lovely Union Jack print mini canvas bag with a long handle, perfect for using on the go or to tuck in your hand luggage. The bag is available in black or pink.

But wait, there’s more! Around the Spa bus Elemis reps were also giving out free samples of their new treatment aimed at 16-24 year olds with the approach that it’s never too early to begin looking after your skin. The FreshSkin range isn’t released until 2011, so we were very lucky to recieve some free samples.  The kit comes in three parts; Gentle face wash, Purifying face mask and Daily moisturiser. I used my samples after my bath last night and was very happy with the results, it dealt with the dry skin on my cheeks caused by a combination of the harsh winds and my Lupus rash whilst not leaving my face feeling too clogged or shiny.

All in all I was so happy with the care I received from Elemis and although it’s not in a lot of my readers price range (mine included) it is a brilliant company to go to for spa breaks or gifts .

Thankfully the horrendous images Soph took of me during my treatment haven’t surfaced!

Elemis have teamed up with the charity Mothers4Children, bidding to raise £50,000 to help provide love and support for valuable children.

About Rachel Charlton-Dailey

PR girl, gin lover and happy soul.
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1 Response to Review: Elemis Spa bus

  1. I didn’t get a survival kit… *sob*

    But I’m not going to grumble. Elemis were amazing. They are my new favourite thing in the world ever, to be honest 🙂

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